Understanding how many calories are in a bowl of rice is essential for anyone looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or increase body weight. Knowing the nutritional content of rice and how to consume it for optimal health is also crucial for our daily diet. Let’s explore this with BuyBulkWhey.com in the following article!

How Many Calories Are in 100g of Rice?

Rice is a staple food in most Vietnamese meals. So, how many calories are in a bowl of rice? On average, a bowl of rice (100g) contains about 130 calories (for white rice). The nutritional content in 100g of white rice includes:

  • Carbohydrates: 28.2g
  • Protein: 2.7g
  • Various minerals: 35mg potassium, 10mg calcium, 1mg sodium, etc.

Additionally, if you consume a bowl of white rice (100g), it provides the body with 130 calories. In contrast, how many calories are in 100g of brown rice? Research shows that a bowl of brown rice (100g) contains about 110 calories.

Rice prepared in different ways will have varying calorie contents. For instance, crispy rice contains 357 calories, while broken rice has about 627 calories.

How Many Calories In 100g Of White Rice

How Many Calories In 100g Of White Rice?

Should You Eat Rice to Lose Weight?

White rice contains 130 calories per 100g, and its glycemic index (GI) is considered very high. So, does eating rice make you gain weight? Researchers suggest that consuming too much white rice can lead to weight gain.

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Compared to potatoes, sweet potatoes, and boiled corn, 100g of white rice contains 130 calories—a relatively high amount. However, rice is lower in calories than noodles, rice noodles, instant noodles, and bread.

Therefore, the high calorie content in 100g of white rice is why many people trying to lose weight switch to brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, or boiled corn to get good carbohydrates that provide energy for the body.

It’s best to consume 1-2 bowls of rice per meal. If you eat more, try to exercise to burn off the excess calories!

Tips for Eating Rice Without Gaining Weight

When you consume excess carbohydrates, your body converts them into fat, leading to weight gain. Here are six ways to eat rice properly without worrying about gaining weight:

Eat Vegetables Before Rice

Vegetables are a great source of fiber and are almost calorie-free. Eating vegetables before rice can reduce calorie intake and create a base layer in the stomach, helping you feel full faster and longer, thus avoiding the risk of gaining weight from excess fat.

Mix Rice with Other Ingredients

100g of white rice contains about 130 calories. However, mixing rice with ingredients like beans, peanuts, and tubers can reduce calorie content and increase the absorption of less white starch. Instead of plain rice, you can add ingredients like potatoes, cassava, red beans, or black beans before cooking.

This method helps reduce simple carbohydrates in rice, replacing them with complex carbs and fiber from tubers and seeds. As a result, you digest rice more slowly, stay full longer, and are less likely to gain weight from excess calories.

Replace White Rice with Brown Rice

Brown Rice

Many women believe that eating rice causes weight gain, so they often use brown rice instead of white rice while dieting. Brown rice offers several benefits:

  • Fewer Calories than White Rice: 100g of brown rice contains about 110 calories, significantly less than 100g of white rice, which contains 130 calories.
  • More Nutrients than White Rice: The nutritional content in 100g of brown rice is higher than that in 100g of white rice. During production, white rice loses some nutrients due to milling. Brown rice retains its bran layer, making it an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
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For these reasons, when losing weight, you should have a suitable diet and use brown rice. Don’t skip rice entirely, as it provides essential nutrients your body needs daily!

Chew Slowly

We’ve often heard “chew thoroughly to stay full longer.” This has scientific backing. Chewing thoroughly breaks down rice and mixes it with the enzyme amylase in saliva. Experts recommend chewing 30-40 times when eating rice for optimal digestion.

This allows for efficient digestion, helping you absorb the 130 calories in 100g of rice. You can eat less while absorbing more, minimizing weight gain from excess nutrients.

Cook Rice with Coconut Oil

Cooking rice with coconut oil can reduce its calorie content by up to 60%. Researchers in Sri Lanka found that cooking rice with coconut oil can significantly lower its calorie content.

By cooking white rice with a teaspoon of coconut oil for 25-40 minutes and then refrigerating it for 12 hours, you can reduce the calorie content by up to 60%. This allows you to eat normally but with fewer calories, alleviating concerns about gaining weight from rice.

Increase Meat and Vegetables

Increasing meat and vegetables can help you stay full longer. Many people eat rice as the main dish and meat and vegetables as sides. However, if you balance rice and meat with plenty of vegetables, you will see the benefits.

Common Questions About Eating Rice for Weight Loss

How Many Bowls of Rice Should You Eat Per Meal?

Aside from wondering if rice makes you gain weight, many people ask how many bowls of rice to eat per meal. Scientists recommend a daily intake of 2500 calories for men and 2000 calories for women. Therefore, men should eat 2-3 bowls per meal, while women should eat 1-2 bowls per meal.

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white rice

How Should Office Workers Eat Rice to Lose Weight?

Office workers are generally less active, so they burn fewer calories. If you work in an office, you need a suitable diet to prevent fat accumulation. Exercise when you have free time!

Is Eating Cold Rice Safe?

Some people worry that eating cold rice can increase the risk of food poisoning and cancer. However, according to PGS. TS Nguyễn Duy Thịnh, there is no scientific basis for the claim that cold rice causes cancer.

He states, “Cold rice is completely safe and poses no risk of cancer or food poisoning if cooked and stored properly within 24 hours.”

Is Eating Rice with Fruit Beneficial?

Combining rice with fruits is a common practice in Asia, though it may seem unusual elsewhere. Some fruits often eaten with rice include mango, watermelon, banana, and avocado. However, this combination is not suitable for people with digestive issues, as it can cause indigestion. If you have a weak digestive system or related conditions, eat fruits separately from meals.

Knowing how many calories are in a bowl of rice is crucial, as rice is a staple for 50% of the world’s population. Understanding the calorie content in 100g of white rice allows you to adjust your calorie intake for a balanced and healthy meal. BuyBulkWhey.com thanks you for reading this article!

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Nutrition Tips,

Last Update: 9 October, 2024